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Half time result0 0
(9') Villar Gonzalo
(37') Hongla Martin
Gutierrez Juan (64')
Parada Victor (71')
(80') Williams Loic
(82') Angel Brau Miguel
Roca Joel (90')
Benito Iker (90')
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2024-10-05
Half time result0 1
Weissman Shon (16')
Williams Loic (38')
Miquel Ignasi (44')
Sanchez Ricard (45')
Weissman Shon (62')
Corbeanu Theodor (90')
(90') Panichelli Joaquin
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2023-05-20
Half time result0 1
(20') Pinchi Oscar
(24') Sanz Alvaro
Puertas Antonio (30')
(41') Prados Benat
Quini (47')
(57') Lopez Roberto
Puertas Antonio (62')
Zaragoza Bryan (78')
Zaragoza Bryan (79')
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2022/2023 2022-09-17
Half time result1 0
(31') Meseguer Victor
Prados Benat (40')
(44') Uzuni Myrto
Garcia Raul (49')
(74') Sanchez Ricard
(75') Uzuni Myrto
(77') Maria Callejon Jose
(85') Quini
Salinas Jose (89')
Carreras Jofre (90')
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2022/2023
Summary match factsAll team matches 4Granada CF wins 3Mirandes wins 0Draw matches 1
Last 10 team matches
2025-03-02 Cordoba 5 0 Granada CF +
Half time result2 0
(7') Sala Alex
(25') Sala Alex
Williams Loic (32')
(49') Carracedo Cristian
(50') Carracedo Cristian
(54') Gonzalez Jacobo
(68') Casas Antonio
Boye Lucas (71')
(71') Munoz Carlos
(78') Ortiz Pedro
(84') Zidane Luca
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-02-22 Granada CF 2 2 Zaragoza +
Half time result1 0
Soberon Mario (17')
(18') Williams Loic
(23') Rebbach Abderrahman
(35') Villar Gonzalo
(48') Tsitaishvili Giorgi
Amador Jair (58')
Liso Adrian (74')
(81') Maroto Lama
Mari Alberto (90')
Sans Pau (90')
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-02-16 Huesca 1 1 Granada CF +
Half time result0 0
Villar Gonzalo (26')
(37') Blasco Jeremy
Sanchez Ricard (45')
(77') Njoh Serge
Boye Lucas (84')
Boye Lucas (89')
(90') Sielva Oscar
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-02-08 Granada CF 0 0 Mirandes +
Half time result0 0
(9') Villar Gonzalo
(37') Hongla Martin
Gutierrez Juan (64')
Parada Victor (71')
(80') Williams Loic
(82') Angel Brau Miguel
Benito Iker (90')
Roca Joel (90')
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-01-31 CD Eldense 0 3 Granada CF +
Half time result0 1
(36') Mateu Marc
Stoichkov (42')
Ruiz Sergio (51')
Tsitaishvili Giorgi (62')
Tsitaishvili Giorgi (72')
Angel Brau Miguel (90')
Angel Brau Miguel (90')
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-01-26 Granada CF 3 1 Sporting Gijon +
Half time result1 0
Rober (25')
(28') Boye Lucas
(67') Hongla Martin
Otero Juan (83')
Gelabert Pina Cesar (87')
(90') Maroto Lama
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-01-18 Levante 3 1 Granada CF +
Half time result1 0
Rubio Miguel (18')
(21') Brugue Roger
(37') Fernandez Andres
Boye Lucas (58')
(58') Kochorashvili Giorgi
Williams Loic (64')
(72') Algobia Angel
Ruiz Sergio (81')
Trigueros Manuel (87')
(90') De La Fuente Adrian
(90') Kochorashvili Giorgi
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-01-10 Granada CF 0 0 Burgos +
Half time result0 0
Espiau Eduardo (34')
(44') Tsitaishvili Giorgi
Cordoba Inigo (65')
Morante Ivan (67')
Atienza Miguel (77')
Nino Fernando (84')
(89') Williams Loic
Arroyo Anderson (90')
Pipa (90')
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-01-03 Granada CF 0 0
Getafe + Half time result0 0
Result after extra time0 1
Mayoral Borja (93')
competition: Spain - Fa Cup 2024/2025 2024-12-21 Eibar 1 1 Granada CF +
Half time result1 0
(15') Puertas Antonio
Insua Pablo (29')
(45') Puertas Antonio
Hongla Martin (64')
Insua Pablo (82')
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 Team form
2025-03-08 Mirandes 1 0 Oviedo +
Half time result0 0
(1') Lachuer Mathis
Vinas Federico (44')
Seoane Jaime (45')
(53') Panichelli Joaquin
Chaira Ilyas (71')
(76') Alonso Julio
(84') Eguiluz Unai
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-03-03 Mirandes 2 0 Tenerife +
Half time result1 0
(25') Iruretagoiena Urko
(30') Gutierrez Juan
Sanz Aitor (64')
(68') Reina Alberto
Gonzalez Sergio (76')
Teto (84')
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-02-23 Levante 1 0 Mirandes +
Half time result0 0
(53') Iborra Vicente
(65') Alvarez Carlos
Dadie Alberto (90')
(90') De La Fuente Adrian
(90') Lozano Sergio
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-02-14 Mirandes 4 1 Racing De Ferrol +
Half time result2 1
(9') Iruretagoiena Urko
(13') Iruretagoiena Urko
(24') Reina Alberto
Perea Luis (41')
Gelardo Aitor (45')
(45') Parada Victor
Sene Josep (60')
(62') Panichelli Joaquin
Cabaco Erick (79')
Insua Emanuel (87')
(90') Butzke Adrian
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-02-08 Granada CF 0 0 Mirandes +
Half time result0 0
(9') Villar Gonzalo
(37') Hongla Martin
Gutierrez Juan (64')
Parada Victor (71')
(80') Williams Loic
(82') Angel Brau Miguel
Roca Joel (90')
Benito Iker (90')
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-02-01 Mirandes 3 0 Elche +
Half time result1 0
Febas Aleix (20')
Salinas Jose (22')
(34') Lachuer Mathis
Diaby Bambo (38')
(39') Iruretagoiena Urko
(45') Gutierrez Juan
Alvarez Agustin (47')
Diaby Bambo (49')
(50') Panichelli Joaquin
Kaba Sory (50')
Fernandez Nicolas (62')
(64') Panichelli Joaquin
Affengruber David (81')
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-01-27 Cadiz 3 1 Mirandes +
Half time result2 1
(5') Climent Mario
(27') Sobrino Ruben
(28') Chust Victor
Tomeo Pablo (31')
Panichelli Joaquin (44')
(49') Diakite Moussa
(67') Alcaraz Ruben
(75') Chust Victor
(86') Fernandez Alex
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-01-20 Mirandes 3 2 Malaga +
Half time result0 1
Pastor Alex (9')
Molina Manu (40')
Herrero Alfonso (56')
(57') Panichelli Joaquin
(61') Gorrotxategi Jon
(65') Reina Alberto
Larrubia David (71')
(87') Panichelli Joaquin
(90') Roca Joel
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2025-01-11 Huesca 1 0 Mirandes +
Half time result1 0
Parada Victor (12')
Rodriguez Alberto (20')
(37') Njoh Serge
Lachuer Mathis (45')
(63') Sielva Oscar
(90') Gonzalez Diego
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 2024-12-22 Deportivo La Coruna 0 4 Mirandes +
Half time result0 2
Iruretagoiena Urko (36')
Roca Joel (40')
Rincon Hugo (45')
(53') Barbero
Gutierrez Juan (54')
Iruretagoiena Urko (56')
Iruretagoiena Urko (63')
(77') Villares Diego
Calvo Alex (90')
competition: Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025 Team form
Statistics facts of last 10 matches
Number of Granada CF wins
Number of Granada CF draws
Number of Granada CF loses
Average scored goals per match
Average conceded goals per match
Chance to score goal next match
60 %
Chance to conceded goal next match
60 %
Number of clean sheet matches
Failure to score matches
Matches over 2.5 goals in
Matches under 2.5 goals in
Time without scored goal
132 min.
Time without conceded goal
12 min.
Number of Mirandes wins
Number of Mirandes draws
Number of Mirandes loses
Average scored goals per match
Average conceded goals per match
Chance to score goal next match
70 %
Chance to conceded goal next match
50 %
Number of clean sheet matches
Failure to score matches
Matches over 2.5 goals in
Matches under 2.5 goals in
Time without scored goal
37 min.
Time without conceded goal
205 min.
Team standings
Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025
Spain - Laliga2 2024/2025
Bet statistics